Posts tagged leave
Family and maternity leave: How to stay in the game

In the midst of one of the most exciting and stressful events of your life, you have to figure out leave and your rights and what kind of diapers to buy and… and… Anyway, our goal is to take some of the complexity away. We break down the various policies, when to let your manager know why you’ve suddenly “put on weight,” and how to make it all work through pregnancy and beyond.

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Vacation, personal, and medical leave: The latest trends & policies

The whole concept of leave is evolving, including the standards around it, what’s acceptable, and even what’s legal. So how much is too much time, how much notice should you give your manager, what’s the deal with “unlimited” vacation, and when is it okay to “duck out” early? This piece provides our guiding principles for achieving work-life balance and taking time off.

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